Reflection as I age

As I turned 44 years old I did some reflection and there was a time when I was concerned about if I would make it to 40 or even 35 years of age.  

Many blessings and adventures have come my way since giving up drugs and alcohol. The list is endless but some of the bigger achievements I have witnessed and at 1 point never thought possible are…

Family is still by my side. (Anyone that knows me realizes how great and supportive my family is)

Saw my oldest son graduate high school and my youngest graduate from middle school. (I used to hope I’d witness this)

Live in a new country. (Many dream of this but few are brave enough to try)

I never know what the future holds but at least I have many things to look forward to. Life may have thrown me a few lemons (obstacles) to test me but I’m not special in that regard as all of us have issues to face daily. 

Everyone has a past and challenges that they need to overcome and it is worth the effort to try and make another day of memories. I try now to take it one day at a time cause the best present  is being “present” in the moment.