5 Foods to help during recovery from addiction

Every substance that gets abused has its own set of specific effects on health. Many drugs or alchohol have similar impacts on a person’s ability to get all the nutrients necessary for health in recovery. Those who abuse any drug or alcohol are likely to experience vitamin and nutrient deficiency. 

Water is most important. While the body can withstand lack of food or malnutrition for weeks, if not longer. Dehydration quickly becomes a matter of life or death. Water makes up the majority of the human body and plays vital roles in nearly every function. Examples include helping brain function, improving mood, flushing out toxins and transferring nutrients through the body. 

Bananas contain a lot of tryptophan, this is an amino acid that’s not absorbed easily when using drugs and alcohol. Tryptophan is essential in the formation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which promotes relaxation and proper sleep.

Yogurt is full of probiotics. Alcohol and opiates will disrupt your gastrointestinal system, which is why constipation and diarrhea are so common. Probiotics will help normalize the digestive tract.

Vegetables in general, contain a range of essential vitamins. During active addiction, improper nutrition absorption, along with a poor diet, causes malnutrition, but a vegetable-rich diet helps to restore proper nutrition levels. Vegetables will also help to improve skin and hair health, which commonly deteriorates during active addiction. Foods like papayas, bell peppers, strawberries, pineapple and oranges are all high in vitamin C and many other vitamins. Load up!

Garlic tastes good on almost everything. You can put it on pastas, in bread, on meats, on vegetables, and more. Not only does it taste great, but it is also good for your body. Garlic is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It will help to clean your liver, and it will help to restore some of the damage in your body. Plus, it supports your immune system, improves bone health, and helps to regulate your blood pressure. Garlic is like a wonder drug disguised as food.

These are just examples of some of common foods (and water) that are readily available and can help speed up the recovery process. At Always Hope the food on this list is usually organically grown, and fresher than you could find in most rehab locations. Most are available year round in tropical Dominican Republic.