recovery caribbean coast

Choosing a Rehab : Stay Nearby or go Far Away?

Choosing a Rehab: Stay Nearby or go Far Away?

There is a new fad called Medical Tourism in which many people look out of country to obtain dental, cosmetic and alternative medical treatment such as addiction treatment. There are many reasons why people choose to do this but the most common are that it can be substantially cheaper to get treatment abroad, and it can also mean better options. Individuals who are dealing with a substance abuse problem are also choosing a rehab out of country because there are many benefits to travel abroad for addiction treatment. The most common reason for this situation is that the individual feels they would do better with some type of private facility, and out of country facilities are much cheaper even after flights.

There are some definite benefits to choosing a rehab abroad:

* There are usually recovery options that would not be available to them at home. International rehabs often offer unique additions to the programs that might be therapeutic such as the serenity of sun and sand, more sports and activities, and no distractions from home.

* By traveling abroad the individual will often find cheaper options (call 1-829-932-0123 to discuss cost, you will be surprised) than they would find in their home country. This could mean that even those with a modest means can benefit from a stay in a more luxurious facility.

* There are some individuals who will not want other people to know about their stay in rehab. One way to protect their anonymity is to travel abroad for addiction assistance.

* It is possible to attend a facility in an exotic location such as the Dominican Republic. By entering recovery the individual is building a foundation for a better future and it may be inspiring to do this in a special place.

* Some people feel view rehab abroad as a reward for doing the right thing.

* Combining rehab with a foreign holiday can make the whole process more meaningful. It may ensure that the start of the journey into recovery will be special as well as memorable.

* Some people will choose a remote location with stunning scenery. This ambience will make their stay in rehab all the more comfortable.

It’s All About You

For some, it may be best to opt for a facility that’s far, far away from their hometown environment. The distance can make it easier to focus on recovery and remain free from common triggers and temptations. The support of friends and family during the recovery process is key to success but technology and wifi allows for frequent contact with friends and family without the distraction or temptations to leave rehab early.  In the end, you have to evaluate your own situation and determine whether a local or distant facility will be best.  Ask many questions and never settle for less than exactly what you need.

Call 1-829-932-0123 for immediate assistance or email us for more info.