Tag Archives: gratiude

Gratitude: Being Thankful can keep you Healthy

Gratitude: Being Thankful can keep you Healthy

What if there was a solution to stress so simple that it involved nothing more than feeling thankful for the good things in your life? In fact, there is and that solution is called gratitude. Studies have shown that people who regularly practice feelings of gratitude have an advantage when it comes to their health. Research has found that those who adopt an “attitude of gratitude” as a permanent state of mind experience many health benefits.

Gratitude may be more likely to help people:

  • take better care of themselves physically and mentally
  • engage in more proactive health behaviors and maintenance
  • get more regular exercise
  • eat a healthier diet
  • have improved mental alertness
  • cope better with stress and daily challenges
  • feel happier and more optimistic
  • have stronger immune systems
  • maintain a brighter view of the future

With so many benefits, who wouldn’t want to try this? To start giving thanks, consider integrating some of the steps below into your daily life.

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