Category Archives: Addiction treatment

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

During my four week stay at Always Hope, just this past month, I found that the facility definitely lived up to it’s name and this is my testimony or testimonial. I did not commit to this program without a good deal of thought. I had met the couple who developed the centre in the Dominican during my stay at a different treatment centre several years ago. Additionally, the excellent counsellor with whom I worked at Always Hope, had been the head counsellor at the afore mentioned centre. All of these folks had garnered my deep respect.

I arrived at a very low point in my battle with alcohol, having “slipped” once again, but I was very hopeful that these people…..these people who had been in my shoes at one time….. could help me. I was right. I was fortunate to have one on one time every day with the very knowledgeable and experienced counsellor. He helped me progress through the Twelve Step programme. I worked very hard at this, and in doing so, I was able to really assess where I’d been, what I tried to deal with on my own, what I needed to do about it and what I hoped for in my future. I came to realize that without the help of something or someone greater than myself, I would not be successful in maintaining sobriety.

With the unconditional support of everyone there, including two delightful kids, I left feeling not only confident and inspired, but rejuvenated.The facility itself is beyond compare. Each participant is made to feel welcome, and essentially becomes a part of the family. The rooms were private, each with an ensuite. Meals were communal, a private swimming pool was right outside my door, meetings could be attended every day, and activities and outings were abundant, though optional. So different from other places I’d been.

I have no reservations in recommending Always Hope to anyone who wants and needs a fresh start. They are there for you and this is my testimonial or testimony.

Call now to find out more 1-829-932-0123

Or contact us through the contact page.

Reasons Addicts Avoid Going to Rehab

Reasons Addicts Avoid Going to Rehab


When we speak with the loved ones of addicts, they are often frustrated watching the person they love continue to avoid treatment. One of their most common questions is, “Why do addicts avoid rehab?”

It can be frustrating, but there is a way you can help. By understanding the reasons addicts avoid going to an addictio treatment center, you can support and encourage your loved one to seek help:

1. Denial “I don’t have a problem!”

Some addicts are in denial. They do not believe they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, or they believe they can stop whenever they want. If this is the reason your loved one gives for avoiding rehab, lovingly ask why, if they don’t have a problem, they continue to use even though their use has negative consequences on their personal and professional life.

2. “It costs too much!”

The concern about cost is one of the most common reasons why addicts avoid treatment, and it is a valid concern. Rehab can be expensive, but that should not be the reason you or your loved one avoids treatment. At Always Hope we are a low-cost alternative to make treatment available to all financial circumstances.

Call 1-829-932-0123 to get cost options and to see if you qualify for a discount towards flight.

Addiction is also very expensive — maintaining a substance abuse habit is incredibly costly on its own. Additionally, the consequences of a continued addiction, such as medical care, therapy or divorce, can be significantly more expensive than rehab. Depending on your situation, you may also find that rehab is tax deductible.

3. “I don’t have the time!”

For many addicts, they fear they’ll lose their job if they take time off for rehab. The truth is that many are already on the path to lose there job or lost it already.

4. “Rehab doesn’t work!”

In many cases, if an addict has been to a treatment centre and relapsed after treatment, or they have a friend who has relapsed after treatment, they believe rehab doesn’t work. The truth is, many addicts who have been through treatment may relapse one or more times before they are successful in their recovery. This should not be a reason to avoid treatment, since those who complete rehab have a higher chance of recovering without relapse.


With an understanding of why so many addicts avoid going, you can approach your loved one with resources in hand to help convince them to begin treatment right away. Help them sort through their concerns, work with them to arrange leave from work, straighten out their finances and/or connect them with someone who has completed rehab with great success.

If you or someone you love is avoiding getting help for addiction, now is the time to take action. Contact us at Always Hope for help and any other questions.


Caution: Warning Signs

Caution: Warning Signs



H – Hungry     A – Angry      L – Lonely     T – Tired      B – Bored

HALT-B is an anagram for the most common reasons for relapse.

Take caution if your hungry, this may sound silly but it has been found that the human brain, once addicted to a substance, will reach for this substance as a cure for any discomfort as it cannot discern between needs. A person will get a craving to drink, even though he/she is really just having hunger pangs and a quick healthy snack can resolve the craving to drink or drug.


Continue reading Caution: Warning Signs

Not Like a Prison; a Testimonial

Not Like a Prison; a Testimonial

“Always Hope was the perfect recovery centre for my needs and this is my testimonial or testimony that it can work. I had been to 2 other treatment centres in the past 6 months, but I walked in the front door and out the back within a few days due to the prison like atmosphere. As Always Hope only takes a maximum of 5 clients at a time, you are privileged with plenty of 1-1 counselling with a great counsellor who has many years of experience as well as having been in my shoes in the past.

The people helping you at Always Hope have been through the same or similar struggles so they come from a perspective of experience which gave me another level of respect for the centre. There is a caring family/friendship atmosphere and not like a prison. I am a professional in my career and was able to continue to function and help with my business back home while accepting treatment and help with my addiction to alcohol.

I highly recommend Always Hope treatment centre to any individual or anyone struggling with the confinement and constraints of other centres. The tropical atmosphere is amazing, and there are 12 step meetings available 7 days a week with a great small group.”

Call today for more info 1-829-932-0123

Addiction Movies: My Favourites

Addiction Movies: My Favourites

There have been many films made that involve the abuse of drugs and or alcohol, and these are some of my personal favourites. Most of these addiction movies only show the dark side, but some share the strength and hope required to overcome as well as the hellish experiences. One of the videos is more of an educational documentary that helps explain in laymans terms the struggle with the addiction/personal choice argument. Many people affected by addiction, both the addict and the family can learn from this documentary. In no particular order my favourite addiction movies are:

addiction movies3

Pleasure Unwoven

Pleasure Unwoven is a short informational documentary that can be easily found on youtube. I found it explain addiction in an easy to understand the way drugs or alcohol react with the chemicals in the brain. The movie is narrated by Kevin McCauley, who is both a man who struggled with his own addiction and a qualified medical doctor. He focuses on the important question about addiction: “Is it really a “disease?”

28 Days

28 Days stars Sandra Bullock who has a good career, but is forced to enter rehab after she ruins her sister’s wedding; she gets drunk and crashes a car. In the beginning Gwen is against any type of help. She views rehab as being similar to a prison sentence and will not admit that she has a problem with alcohol. Gwen refuses to put any real effort into the rehab program. When she does find herself becoming involved in the lives of the other clients and starts to notices uncomfortable similarities. In the end circumstances force Gwen to take an honest look at her life. She acknowledges that life has become unmanageable, and that alcohol was a part of the problem. 28 Days is a realistic representation of how people can find a new perspective of life when they become willing to face the truth.

Basketball Diaries

Basketball Diaries is a true story based on the life of Jim Carroll and stars a Leonardo DiCaprio. It tells of how a teenager goes from being a successful basketball player to a homeless heroin addict. As his addiction worsens he completely loses any sense of self-respect as he quickly spirals downhill. It is a great depiction of how the sneaky nature of addiction has a way of ruthlessly corrupting the innocence of young high-schoolers on the look out for a good time.


Trainspotting explores heroin and the devastating grip it takes on lives. The process of getting the drug, the ritual of doing the drug, and how the drug sucks you back in time after time. The movie ends with the quote “I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?” Although this movie may glamorize drug use, it also reveals the deep grip opiates take on a persons life and soul and how many people can’t find a way to break the hellish cycle they seem trapped in.

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream shows a harsh view of the lives of few young addicts. The movie manages to capture the essence of the insanity of addiction but without glorifying drug use. This movie will at the very least make your skin crawl, and there’s the chance that you’ll be questioning the meaning of life, too. This movie is not for the faint of heart, and doesn’t show the strength and hope required to overcome. But this is a realistic, yet cinematic portrayal of how drugs can rip apart your life.

I realize there are many addiction movies that show the good, and ugly sides of drug and alcohol use and I haven’t seen  them all. But these 5 are a short list of my favourite addiction movies at this time.


Call us at Always Hope for info on how we can help.

Addiction doesn’t take a Holiday

Addiction doesn’t take a Holiday

Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful, it doesn’t rest just because the holiday season is here. We at Always Hope addiction treatment facility realize this and are available to help before, during and after any holiday.

Many people believe that the holiday season is an improper or inappropriate time to go to treatment. Excuses are made and addicts are enabled to continue their downward spiral during this giving time of year.

“It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without….”

“It’s not so bad we will get through the holidays first.”

Call 24/7 to speak with us 1-829-932-0123

The best gift any family could receive is their loved one taking the first step towards dealing with their addiction and coming back healthy and happy. The alternative is a very stressful holiday and possibly the addicts last. Drugs, alcohol, and suicide may take an addicts life at any time and this unfortunately could be their last Thanksgiving.

Truth is the holidays may be the best time to reclaim their lives from the grip of addiction. It is supposed to be a time of happiness and joy, but can quickly turn to dysfunction, stress, shame and fear. There may be no better place for a struggling addict to be at this time of year than the safe environment of an addiction treatment facility.

Here at Always Hope we will be celebrating the holidays a little different than usual. Sure we will have the usual turkey dinner, but we will also take time to head to the beach which is not normal for us from the Great White North. Why not join us to begin your path to recovery and enjoy the Caribbean paradise that surrounds us? If you or someone you know needs help please contact us. We are here to talk or provide assistance as needed during this grateful time of year.

contact always hope

Gratitude: Being Thankful can keep you Healthy

Gratitude: Being Thankful can keep you Healthy

What if there was a solution to stress so simple that it involved nothing more than feeling thankful for the good things in your life? In fact, there is and that solution is called gratitude. Studies have shown that people who regularly practice feelings of gratitude have an advantage when it comes to their health. Research has found that those who adopt an “attitude of gratitude” as a permanent state of mind experience many health benefits.

Gratitude may be more likely to help people:

  • take better care of themselves physically and mentally
  • engage in more proactive health behaviors and maintenance
  • get more regular exercise
  • eat a healthier diet
  • have improved mental alertness
  • cope better with stress and daily challenges
  • feel happier and more optimistic
  • have stronger immune systems
  • maintain a brighter view of the future

With so many benefits, who wouldn’t want to try this? To start giving thanks, consider integrating some of the steps below into your daily life.

Continue reading Gratitude: Being Thankful can keep you Healthy

Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight

We all have the primitive instincts in the face of what we fear, whether positive or negative, which is either to retreat or aggressively react to what threatens us. This is the natural “fight or flight” instinct. But if I limit myself to these choices, I rend myself truly powerless to find the serenity of acceptance, or the courage to change.

So I’ve found that before I decide to accept or change my circumstances, I need to settle down enough to see them as they are, not better or worse than they are. I need to find clarity, wisdom, and love in the face of them.

But the amazing thing about working a program of recovery is I have learned that I don’t have to give in to these wild swings of emotion. I can see them come up, feel them in all their intensity, and not let them take me down the wrong path. As long as I do a few simple things in response to the feeling of “fight or flight” life goes alright:

Calm my mind.
Be willing to consider alternative options and points of view.
Be more interested in reaching an understanding than in insisting upon agreement.

Call today for more info 1-829-932-0123

Recovery Caribbean Coast

Recovery Caribbean Coast

Addiction treatment doesn’t need to be your typical “institution” or jail like facility. Always Hope treatment center is located on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic and features a brand new, first-class option for those looking to get away from their current environment. If you or a loved on is looking for recovery caribbean coast we may be your best option.

Call or text 1-829-932-0123 today for more info

Are you tired of just existing? Do you truly want to live and experience all that life can offer? If you or someone you love is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and wants help to stop, we can provide the support and tools necessary to overcome it.

We provide a full service alcohol and drug addiction treatment center. If you want what we have to offer and are willing to take certain steps, recovery from addiction is possible. Ultimately the decision of how you apply what you have learned is yours.

Addiction never takes a break and neither do we at Always Hope. We are available to talk, email and help 24/7. If you or someone you love is struggling today in the grips of addiction please contact us today as we would love to provide assistance. Remember there is Always Hope.

Conflict Resolution and Recovering


“We learn that conflicts are a part of reality, and we learn new ways to resolve them instead of running from them.”

Page 194


From time to time, we all experience conflicts. It may be that we just can’t get along with that new co-worker. Maybe our friends are driving us crazy. Or perhaps our partner isn’t living up to our expectations. Dealing with any conflict is difficult for recovering addicts.

When tempers rise, it is often a good idea to back away from the situation until cooler minds prevail. We can always return to further discussion when we have calmed down. We can’t avoid troubling situations, but we can use time and distance to find perspective.

Conflict is a part of life. We can’t go through our entire recovery without encountering disagreements and differences of opinion. Sometimes we can back away from these situations, taking time to reflect on them, but there always comes a time when conflict must be resolved. When that time comes, we take a deep breath, say a prayer, and apply the principles our program has given us: honesty, openness, responsibility, forgiveness, trust, and all the rest. We didn’t get clean to keep running from life – and in recovery, we don’t have to run anymore.

Just for Today: The principles my program has given me are sufficient to guide me through any situation. I will strive to confront conflict in a healthy way.

Basic Text, p. 90

Call today if your interested in what Always Hope can do
