strength in recovery

Finding Strength in Recovery

Finding Strength in Recovery

In my previous blog I focused on my experience leading up to recovery. I will now touch on the process of getting help and the strength that was needed. It was shown to me by those who had walked a mile in my shoes in the past, and by family and friends who believed in me even when I was unsure of myself. Admitting I needed help was one of the lowest moments in my life, but now I see it was one of the most important. For the most part everything in life that I challenged myself with (school, sports, work and relationships) I had found a way to excel and achieve what I wanted, and it was very disheartening to feel hopeless in overcoming my dependance on painkillers.

strengthIt was tough to try and muster up the strength to fight for my health and the life I, and all of us deserve, but I tried to keep focused on my 2 little boys and my awesome wife. When I was feeling discouraged or felt that I lacked the strength, courage or knowledge to continue with a given action, task or duty, I just tried to focus on my family. Even if I felt I didn’t deserve a second chance, I would have been a “loser” to just give up trying as I knew there would be a lasting effect on the lives of my wife and boys. There’s nothing worse than to squander our own resources – and inner strength is right there at the top of the list of what helps make us more resilient, stronger and more successful in recovery. Also being willing to share our good fortune with others by encouraging them to find their own inner strength during their darkest hours. We each have inner strength, the key is to learn how to tap into it

I also found a lot of strength from those I met at rehab. I had assumed I was the only person struggling, and that my life was so difficult and I had been dealt a shitty hand. But through the support and conversations with my peers I realized everyone has struggles in life and I should really be more grateful at how minuscule mine really were. I had no long-lasting health issues, I still had my family by my side, I still had a job and a roof over my head. I started to focus on all the blessings in my life and stop dwelling on the petty little stuff that had become blown out of proportion when I has using.

Slowly but surely I was healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Its a process and it took time to truly feel like I was back to normal, or at the very least not feel like I was hopeless and crazy anymore. The process is different for all but try and continue fighting for your life because we all deserve it.

1.Start by being hopeful that you’ll find the strength you need. It may take some digging and some trial and error to unearth it, but we can and will be successful if we keep at it.

2.Don’t be discouraged if you don’t immediately feel a burst of energy or self-confidence. Remember that some solutions, as creative or unique as they may be, take time to emerge.

3.It’s our inner strength that will see us through our various challenges and activities. We have to believe that we have it and then be willing to make use of it.

Lastly don’t give up on yourself, we all have the strength required to overcome the obstacles and challenges that life throws at us. We are all worth it and you can persevere as I have. Next week I will finish up with the topic of hope in recovery and how my life has been blessed by the gifts of recovery.

It takes a lot of strength to ask for help.
Call 1-829-932-0123 today to speak with us at Always Hope

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