
Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Recovering from an addiction can be a difficult process. The road isn’t always smooth and you will probably encounter obstacles, challenges, hardships and heartaches. But it’s a journey that everyone hoping to recover from addiction makes. It is the only way to move from a life of destruction to a happy and healthy life. I hope that sharing a bit of my story about my experience, strength and hope I can help you realize you are not alone.


“I never thought I would be where I am today. Today my lovely wife and 2 boys enjoy living in the Dominican Republic. We are blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy a lifestyle I never dreamt possible. Sand and surf is just minutes away, and I am lucky to have much more time available to spend with my family due to the fact that I’m no longer chasing a high, and we have created a business that allows for much more quality family time.

I have never felt healthier, sure the climate helps, but having numerous sports activities available and having the time to workout is a great benefit. Also the numerous fresh and locally grown fruits and vegetables make me feel like I’m the best shape of my life. I have the energy back that I used to have as a kid. I never thought a life like this was possible but through some hopeful thinking, support from friends and family and taking the actions necessary to achieve this, life today is pretty awesome.”

Hope isn’t just wishful thinking – it’s the foundation of your recovery. Without hope, and a feeling of desire for recovery – you will be hard pressed to find meaningful action. Hope will lead you to the right steps, and with such action, you will set the foundation for your long term recovery. And with action comes improvement through an assortment of steps leading to a plan for recovery, and working the plan for years to come. In the depths of active addiction it’s difficult to see or feel what a life beyond drugs or alcohol, pain or suffering, may entail. Hope is always there; it’s only a matter of finding it. Sometimes finding hope may come with ease – other times, it will take strength.

To find some hope for the future a few tips that may help are:

Listen to others share their stories: At meetings and through peers we can be inspired by the stories others share about their journey and how things have changed in their life. These stories can help give you a perspective on your life and help you realize you are not alone.

Accept your situation: It may be tough to accept things in your life, but as the Serenity Prayer says “Accept the things I can’t control, and change the things I can..” Denial will never let you heal emotionally and spiritually, so try and accept the past and learn from it.

Prioritize: Identify what is important for you in the future such as recovery, health, family, friends etc. Set some goals and put a plan in place to achieve them.

Recovery from an addiction and the journey it takes can be difficult but with a little hope for the future it is possible. Never give up trying even if you experience a few bumps in the road. Remember there is Always Hope.

Call 1-829-932-0123 for more info about Always Hope. The least we can do is give you some hope for the future as nobody needs to struggle through it alone.