Category Archives: addiction

Holiday Time: Addiction doesn’t take a holiday

Holiday Time: Addiction doesn’t take a holiday

Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful, it doesn’t rest just because the holiday season is here. We at Always Hope addiction treatment facility realize this and are available to help before, during and after the holiday festivities.

Many people believe that the holiday season is an improper or inappropriate time to go to treatment. Excuses are made and addicts are enabled to continue their downward spiral during this festive time of year.

“It just wouldn’t be Christmas or New Years without….”

“It’s not so bad we will get through the holidays first.”

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1-829-932-0123 today.

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Step Four and Living Day by Day

Step Four and the freedom and insight it helps bring

The importance of step four though the eyes of our counsellor:

Tomorrow is another day, but I try not to think about it too much, I try to stay in today, because that’s where I am. My Step Four allowed me this insight.

My step four inventory was a growing point in my life, although I did not know it at the time. It was painful to think about my past, but I wanted what was promised to me and for that I was willing to go through it. I look back and I can see a definite difference in my attitude, hopes and self image in my pre and post Step Four. I was two and a half years free from all mind altering substances at the time, but I was not really in recovery.

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Fun during recovery, and after treatment

Recovery from addiction is possible

and can lead to an awesome future!


Recovery from addiction can be challenging, but it also provides more benefits and rewards than most people can imagine. The process is an enlightening, freeing and physically healing process. Addiction treatment takes a serious look at the past but also teaches how to enjoy and truly appreciate the present.

During treatment an amazing transformation usually occurs. As the recovery process progresses people find that they smile more often. Laughter comes freely and genuinely. People’s general view on the environment around them changes into a more positive light. Fun is not only reserved for after treatment from addiction but can also be enjoyed during.

If you are tired of just existing in the haze of addiction and want to truly experience all of the joys that life can bring, make the best investment for your future. At Always Hope we not only provide top-notch counselling that will help you work through the 12 steps. We also want you to have a vacation from the stresses and/or situations that have caught you in the vicious cycle of addiction.

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Addiction: What do Addicts know?

What do Addicts know?

Addicts learn many life lessons through the unfortunate progression of the disease and also through the steps taken to overcome. Many so-called “normal folk” never truly appreciate the life they are living. This is due to the fact that they never have to battle the difficulties and demons that most addicts do. Addicts come to accept their past, make amends to those they have affected and move forward with an enlightened view on their life and the world around them. The steps taken to recover from addiction can be uncomfortable, but in the end the serenity and peace that comes from conquering their addiction help create a healthier and highly productive member of society.

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Addiction treatment and life after treatment

Treatment for addiction and the life afterwards 

Accepting you have an addiction and reaching out for help is difficult, and only the first step on your way to recovering. Going to an addiction treatment facility will help you gain the tools to abstain from mind altering substances. But if you don’t learn how to use these tools and apply them to your life you may never enjoy all the great things that life has to offer. Life will still have its challenges but with a clear mind and conscience, and the tools learnt in treatment you can deal with any curveball life throws your way. Life is and can be awesome and amazing.

Life is limitless when you aren’t living in the fog of addiction. The big book of AA lists the “promises” that are available to all if they follow the steps and guidance required to a healthy life. These aren’t extravagant promises and they may take time to realize them all in your own life. But they will come true if you take the basic steps to work towards them. Continue reading Addiction treatment and life after treatment

Share your story of addiction

Share your story of addiction

The path you take in life and the decisions you make help shape the person you are today.  Everybody has a story that is made up of experiences, strengths and hopes.  Taking the time to share your story in regards to your struggles with addiction can help you in your healing process, but can also inspire and help others to heal.  Addiction is a selfish and dishonest disease.  If you can be open and honest about how your life was affected and express the steps you took to overcome your addiction you can begin the healing process and also help others. More info on our stories can be found on our about us page.

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