Tag Archives: dominican rehab

Rat Park: Social Connections and Addiction

Social Connections and Addiction:

Rat Park

There has been a lot of insight into the advantages of social connections as it relates to the prevention and recovery of an addiction. Family, friends and a sense of belonging to a group of people has been beneficial to humans since the dawn of time. In the beginning it was a matter of survival that drove us to pool our resources; humans could collect more food, keep each other safe from dangers, and share knowledge. But in the last few decades as technology has allowed us to remain in contact with others through our phones and apps, we also as a society have slowly drifted towards more isolation and a lack of meaningful face-to-face social connections.

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Addiction Ruined My Life

Addiction Ruined my Life

Knowing these facts did not stop Miranda, a 35-year-old executive, who was born and raised in Toronto and knew all of the statistics related to the drug and alcohol substance addiction problems. She was under the impression that a little partying with samplings of drugs, or a few drinks a day would not lead to addiction. Her sentiments were that addiction only happened to weak individuals, and she was not weak! “I can stop whenever I want,” said Miranda, however this did not occur! The feeling that addiction will not happen to you is a myth. It can take over a person’s life quickly, without warning or notice. An addiction problem does not discriminate.  It is one reason why it is so threatening since it can consume one’s life before he/she is even aware of its importance. Once this occurs, either the individual must seek help or suffer the consequences. Miranda knew this. However, she was in denial exhibiting the emotions and unrealistic behavior that many addicts so possess.

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Temptation and Addiction

Temptation and Addiction

temptation and addictionTemptations in recovery are a common occurrence. Many people leave rehab riding a pink cloud and hope/believe that everything in their lives will just return to normal.  Just because you have learnt the tools and coping skills in rehab to deal with these temptations doesn’t mean it will be easy. It won’t be a matter of IF temptation arises, it will be WHEN, and what’s most important is how we deal or cope with them.

  1. Know the triggers.
  2. Avoid certain situations if you can.
  3. Have a plan.
  4. Remain vigilant.

Call or text 1-829-932-0123 today we at Always Hope can help

Continue reading Temptation and Addiction

Addiction Rehab Celebrates 3 Years

Addiction Rehab Celebrates 3 Years

Always Hope addiction rehab opened their doors September 15, 2014. In celebration we are offering to discount the full 4 week program by 10% for those coming before the end of September, 2017. We are so grateful to all those that have supported us, and trusted us.

Call or text 1-829-932-0123 today for details. 

Take advantage of this offer. We offer private rooms, with private bathrooms, daily 1-1 counselling and many cool outings. We would love to help you or your loved one.

Was My Addiction a Blessing or a Curse?

Was My Addiction a Blessing or a Curse?

I am a cocaine addict.
In fact, I am proud when I say that now. (in this new life of recovery).
Thanks to @Always-Hope.ca, I am slowly finding new ways of living life in sobriety, thanks to the tools I have now been given to handle situations that truly used to baffle me.
And the best part is – I am loving each and every moment of it!

To be eternally grateful for a life I could only imagine in my addiction; has turned out to become one the biggest gifts I have come to experience and this is my testimonial or testimony.

A new life in recovery.
With god.
I call it a miracle, or some may call it a blessing – whatever it is, it is magical. For somebody who never had faith in God, it seems almost surreal that a higher power of some sort could restore (people like myself) from a completely hopeless state of mind, body and soul. Especially when I resented the very thought of such an entity.

In fact, I hated god in the early days of my life.

Continue reading Was My Addiction a Blessing or a Curse?

Lost!! On the Edge of Relapse

Lost!! On the Edge of Relapse

My testimony or testimonial in regards to Always Hope. I was at the very tip of a very steep dark powerful, cunning & baffling slope, lost, full of fear, some lies, resentments and a relapse. I had know idea what to do, but knew i needed to get away. A handful of opportunities that i have worked hard towards right in front of me and if i didn’t deal with all that was within right away within no time I would have hit the bottom of that slope which could have easily been death.

It was truly a blessing when i was sitting in my vehicle with a very special person who has worked with me and my addiction issues for the last few years, I was crying confessing to my feelings and were I was and how scared I was to quickly loose all. i said I just need to find my self, redo my steps the way they are to be done and not my way lol…. She suggested I call Roger from Always Hope and explain my situation, where I am at and what I would like to accomplish within the program. He said they are able to help please come.

I left within 4 Days for Always Hope to work with Jim Maclean Head Counselor. Long story short it was more that I could have ever expected in all ways it was more than I could have ever hoped for. I found myself again. Ive regained my hope and faith in myself i haven’t truly had that in a very long time. I am sticking to the program and my exit plan, I haven’t been able to do that in 15 years, and it’s not a struggle not to use. For those who are still suffering/struggling with addiction or even just lost or need to get back to the basics please do not hesitate call Roger, talk to Jim and go !!! It could save your life !!! It sure has mine !!

Call 1-829-932-0123 today!

Serenity Now! Always Hope saved me.

Serenity Now!

I thank Always Hope for saving my life

Making the decision to seek help was, undoubtedly, one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. However, after talking to Jim and Roger, I was confident that Always Hope Treatment Centre was the perfect place for me to get the help I desperately needed. It truly was one of the best things I have ever done for myself and this is my testimonial or testimony.

Suffering with a cocaine addiction for the past four years was hell. Not only had I become estranged from my family and friends, but my finances and my career were in serious jeopardy. I had tried everything I could think of to beat my cocaine addiction. Nothing worked. My frustration only grew and my self-esteem and confidence only continued to dwindle. The world seemed to be closing in on me and I had no-where to turn. I really doubted that anyone could help me. It was one of the darkest times of my life.

Continue reading Serenity Now! Always Hope saved me.

Desire to Change is the only Requirement

Desire to Change is the only Requirement

The desire to change usually doesn’t occur until one finally becomes “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired”. At Always Hope we try to make it as easy as possible to acquire the help needed to recover from the grips of active addiction. There are no waiting lists, no tests or forms to fill out, detoxing beforehand is not necessary (we have a doctor who makes house-calls and is available 24/7, and the hospital is only minutes away). We want to make it as easy as possible to get the help needed and so the only requirement is the the desire to quit using/drinking.

Steps needed to come to Always Hope

1. Desire to stop using/drinking

2.Call us 1-829-932-0123

3. Deposit required to save bed

4. Book flights to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic



Holiday Time: Addiction doesn’t take a holiday

Holiday Time: Addiction doesn’t take a holiday

Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful, it doesn’t rest just because the holiday season is here. We at Always Hope addiction treatment facility realize this and are available to help before, during and after the holiday festivities.

Many people believe that the holiday season is an improper or inappropriate time to go to treatment. Excuses are made and addicts are enabled to continue their downward spiral during this festive time of year.

“It just wouldn’t be Christmas or New Years without….”

“It’s not so bad we will get through the holidays first.”

Call or message

1-829-932-0123 today.

Continue reading Holiday Time: Addiction doesn’t take a holiday