Tag Archives: recovery

Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

The last couple of years my oldest boy Jude has talked about things that happened in the past, and how things have changed for the better now that I accepted help for my addiction to oxys (oxycontin a narcotic pain killer). This is his recollection, testimony or testimonial of the time leading up to me going to rehab and the way things are today. These are his words (with only some grammatical errors corrected). He said it was fine for me to share with you so that people can gain the perspective of what a child experiences when their mom or dad is addicted. Although reading it brings back uncomfortable memories of what I put my family through, it is a true reflection of what Jude experienced. Thank you Jude for sharing and I love you!

addiction and family“My name is Jude I am 12 years old and 4 years ago my dad was hooked on oxys. We lived in Alberta, Canada and we were dairy farmers. I was only 8 or younger when my dad was hooked on oxys so I don’t really remember what it was like but I remember a little. Every other night my dad would go out to a town an hour away and I would go with him. We would always go to subway, sometimes go swimming and usually got home at around 9.

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Jim’s Story of Addiction and Recovery

Jim’s Story of Addiction and Recovery

Hi, my name is Jim, I have the disease of addiction, I am a drug addict and alcoholic, I only separate these two because of the perception by society that alcohol is different, this means that whenever I use a mind altering substance of any kind, I cannot easily stop using it, and have no concept of the outcome of my using. After twenty years of drinking and using, my life became hopeless, and I felt helpless and useless. This disease affected me mentally (vengeful and destructive thinking along with blaming), physically (broken bones due to fights and accidents, poor health, and loss of freedom) emotionally (feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and uselessness) and spiritually (disconnected from myself, my beliefs and morals). As well, it affected everyone else around me, much to my surprise how much it did affect others, I only found this fact out after I found recovery. The disease is real, when and where I got it from is inconsequential, only what I can do about it here and now.

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Married to an Addict: A Wife’s Perspective

My life married to an addict…….after Rehab: The wife’s perspective.

I was petrified picking up my husband from rehab, it was Fricken scary! I was so angry at him for what he had put me and our two sons through! For what he had done to himself.
For weeks after that initial day I could not trust him, every time he went to town or anywhere, I wondered if he was going to use again? Where was he really going?

My painful past was still so fresh in my mind that it consumed me!
I wanted security and happiness back!

Continue reading Married to an Addict: A Wife’s Perspective

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

During my four week stay at Always Hope, just this past month, I found that the facility definitely lived up to it’s name and this is my testimony or testimonial. I did not commit to this program without a good deal of thought. I had met the couple who developed the centre in the Dominican during my stay at a different treatment centre several years ago. Additionally, the excellent counsellor with whom I worked at Always Hope, had been the head counsellor at the afore mentioned centre. All of these folks had garnered my deep respect.

I arrived at a very low point in my battle with alcohol, having “slipped” once again, but I was very hopeful that these people…..these people who had been in my shoes at one time….. could help me. I was right. I was fortunate to have one on one time every day with the very knowledgeable and experienced counsellor. He helped me progress through the Twelve Step programme. I worked very hard at this, and in doing so, I was able to really assess where I’d been, what I tried to deal with on my own, what I needed to do about it and what I hoped for in my future. I came to realize that without the help of something or someone greater than myself, I would not be successful in maintaining sobriety.

With the unconditional support of everyone there, including two delightful kids, I left feeling not only confident and inspired, but rejuvenated.The facility itself is beyond compare. Each participant is made to feel welcome, and essentially becomes a part of the family. The rooms were private, each with an ensuite. Meals were communal, a private swimming pool was right outside my door, meetings could be attended every day, and activities and outings were abundant, though optional. So different from other places I’d been.

I have no reservations in recommending Always Hope to anyone who wants and needs a fresh start. They are there for you and this is my testimonial or testimony.

Call now to find out more 1-829-932-0123

Or contact us through the contact page.

Addiction Movies: My Favourites

Addiction Movies: My Favourites

There have been many films made that involve the abuse of drugs and or alcohol, and these are some of my personal favourites. Most of these addiction movies only show the dark side, but some share the strength and hope required to overcome as well as the hellish experiences. One of the videos is more of an educational documentary that helps explain in laymans terms the struggle with the addiction/personal choice argument. Many people affected by addiction, both the addict and the family can learn from this documentary. In no particular order my favourite addiction movies are:

addiction movies3

Pleasure Unwoven

Pleasure Unwoven is a short informational documentary that can be easily found on youtube. I found it explain addiction in an easy to understand the way drugs or alcohol react with the chemicals in the brain. The movie is narrated by Kevin McCauley, who is both a man who struggled with his own addiction and a qualified medical doctor. He focuses on the important question about addiction: “Is it really a “disease?”

28 Days

28 Days stars Sandra Bullock who has a good career, but is forced to enter rehab after she ruins her sister’s wedding; she gets drunk and crashes a car. In the beginning Gwen is against any type of help. She views rehab as being similar to a prison sentence and will not admit that she has a problem with alcohol. Gwen refuses to put any real effort into the rehab program. When she does find herself becoming involved in the lives of the other clients and starts to notices uncomfortable similarities. In the end circumstances force Gwen to take an honest look at her life. She acknowledges that life has become unmanageable, and that alcohol was a part of the problem. 28 Days is a realistic representation of how people can find a new perspective of life when they become willing to face the truth.

Basketball Diaries

Basketball Diaries is a true story based on the life of Jim Carroll and stars a Leonardo DiCaprio. It tells of how a teenager goes from being a successful basketball player to a homeless heroin addict. As his addiction worsens he completely loses any sense of self-respect as he quickly spirals downhill. It is a great depiction of how the sneaky nature of addiction has a way of ruthlessly corrupting the innocence of young high-schoolers on the look out for a good time.


Trainspotting explores heroin and the devastating grip it takes on lives. The process of getting the drug, the ritual of doing the drug, and how the drug sucks you back in time after time. The movie ends with the quote “I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?” Although this movie may glamorize drug use, it also reveals the deep grip opiates take on a persons life and soul and how many people can’t find a way to break the hellish cycle they seem trapped in.

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream shows a harsh view of the lives of few young addicts. The movie manages to capture the essence of the insanity of addiction but without glorifying drug use. This movie will at the very least make your skin crawl, and there’s the chance that you’ll be questioning the meaning of life, too. This movie is not for the faint of heart, and doesn’t show the strength and hope required to overcome. But this is a realistic, yet cinematic portrayal of how drugs can rip apart your life.

I realize there are many addiction movies that show the good, and ugly sides of drug and alcohol use and I haven’t seen  them all. But these 5 are a short list of my favourite addiction movies at this time.


Call us at Always Hope for info on how we can help.

Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight

We all have the primitive instincts in the face of what we fear, whether positive or negative, which is either to retreat or aggressively react to what threatens us. This is the natural “fight or flight” instinct. But if I limit myself to these choices, I rend myself truly powerless to find the serenity of acceptance, or the courage to change.

So I’ve found that before I decide to accept or change my circumstances, I need to settle down enough to see them as they are, not better or worse than they are. I need to find clarity, wisdom, and love in the face of them.

But the amazing thing about working a program of recovery is I have learned that I don’t have to give in to these wild swings of emotion. I can see them come up, feel them in all their intensity, and not let them take me down the wrong path. As long as I do a few simple things in response to the feeling of “fight or flight” life goes alright:

Calm my mind.
Be willing to consider alternative options and points of view.
Be more interested in reaching an understanding than in insisting upon agreement.

Call today for more info 1-829-932-0123

Relapse Prevention or Refresher Course

Relapse Prevention or Refresher Course

Always Hope is a residential treatment centre located 30 km outside of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. We have developed a 2 week Relapse Prevention and/or a Refresher treatment model for people in recovery that need or want to grow further in their journey of recovery. Or if you aren’t sure the 3 or 4 week program is feasible financially, this shorter program can give you a great start to recovering from your addiction.

Call today to find out more 1-829-932-0123

Continue reading Relapse Prevention or Refresher Course

Smile! Take a Holiday while you Recover

Smile! Take a Holiday while you Recover

Learn to smile and laugh again as addiction treatment doesn’t need to be all sweat and tears. Of course there will be plenty of both (especially sweat) when you get to spend your time at a beautiful resort type addiction treatment facility in the caribbean.  Here at Always Hope we  understand it is a huge step to take the chance to go to “rehab” and so we want to make your decision to seek help as easy as possible and make your stay with us as pleasant as possible.

Call 1-829-932-0123 now for more info.


Continue reading Smile! Take a Holiday while you Recover

Desire to Change is the only Requirement

Desire to Change is the only Requirement

The desire to change usually doesn’t occur until one finally becomes “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired”. At Always Hope we try to make it as easy as possible to acquire the help needed to recover from the grips of active addiction. There are no waiting lists, no tests or forms to fill out, detoxing beforehand is not necessary (we have a doctor who makes house-calls and is available 24/7, and the hospital is only minutes away). We want to make it as easy as possible to get the help needed and so the only requirement is the the desire to quit using/drinking.

Steps needed to come to Always Hope

1. Desire to stop using/drinking

2.Call us 1-829-932-0123

3. Deposit required to save bed

4. Book flights to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic



Step Four and Living Day by Day

Step Four and the freedom and insight it helps bring

The importance of step four though the eyes of our counsellor:

Tomorrow is another day, but I try not to think about it too much, I try to stay in today, because that’s where I am. My Step Four allowed me this insight.

My step four inventory was a growing point in my life, although I did not know it at the time. It was painful to think about my past, but I wanted what was promised to me and for that I was willing to go through it. I look back and I can see a definite difference in my attitude, hopes and self image in my pre and post Step Four. I was two and a half years free from all mind altering substances at the time, but I was not really in recovery.

Continue reading Step Four and Living Day by Day