Category Archives: Always Hope

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

Testimonial: Always Hope lived up to its Name

During my four week stay at Always Hope, just this past month, I found that the facility definitely lived up to it’s name and this is my testimony or testimonial. I did not commit to this program without a good deal of thought. I had met the couple who developed the centre in the Dominican during my stay at a different treatment centre several years ago. Additionally, the excellent counsellor with whom I worked at Always Hope, had been the head counsellor at the afore mentioned centre. All of these folks had garnered my deep respect.

I arrived at a very low point in my battle with alcohol, having “slipped” once again, but I was very hopeful that these people…..these people who had been in my shoes at one time….. could help me. I was right. I was fortunate to have one on one time every day with the very knowledgeable and experienced counsellor. He helped me progress through the Twelve Step programme. I worked very hard at this, and in doing so, I was able to really assess where I’d been, what I tried to deal with on my own, what I needed to do about it and what I hoped for in my future. I came to realize that without the help of something or someone greater than myself, I would not be successful in maintaining sobriety.

With the unconditional support of everyone there, including two delightful kids, I left feeling not only confident and inspired, but rejuvenated.The facility itself is beyond compare. Each participant is made to feel welcome, and essentially becomes a part of the family. The rooms were private, each with an ensuite. Meals were communal, a private swimming pool was right outside my door, meetings could be attended every day, and activities and outings were abundant, though optional. So different from other places I’d been.

I have no reservations in recommending Always Hope to anyone who wants and needs a fresh start. They are there for you and this is my testimonial or testimony.

Call now to find out more 1-829-932-0123

Or contact us through the contact page.

Caution: Warning Signs

Caution: Warning Signs



H – Hungry     A – Angry      L – Lonely     T – Tired      B – Bored

HALT-B is an anagram for the most common reasons for relapse.

Take caution if your hungry, this may sound silly but it has been found that the human brain, once addicted to a substance, will reach for this substance as a cure for any discomfort as it cannot discern between needs. A person will get a craving to drink, even though he/she is really just having hunger pangs and a quick healthy snack can resolve the craving to drink or drug.


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Addiction Treatment with a Caribbean Twist

Addiction Treatment Philosophy

Our philosophy at Always Hope is different then most facilities. We want you to feel at home when you are here. The institutional feel of many places leads the addict/alcoholic to feel as they are less than the staff and counsellors. This may lead to greater struggles as most people who enter an addiction treatment center already have issues being told what to do and how to do it. Actions speak louder than words and we at Always Hope walk the talk. We are all equal, no better and no worse. We have lived through the struggles with addiction and overcame. Theory can only take you so far, but if you work with our highly qualified counsellor who has lived through the grips of active addiction you will learn to regain control of your life.

Call or contact us today to find out more


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Secrets and Fears: Always Hope

Secrets and Fears

Are my secrets out in the public? Does everyone know? How will I be judged? When I decided that I was “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired” and finally took the steps to get healthy I figured everyone would know my “secrets” and that I would be judged accordingly. The truth is that most people are so busy with their own lives, and have their own skeletons in the closet that they aren’t consumed or really care about your past or secrets. People usually care more about how you are as a person “today” are you kind, happy, healthy? Yes, they may notice a difference in your appearance or glow, but until you share your story they may not know why.

Call today if you or someone you love is struggling 1-829-932-0123

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Smile! Take a Holiday while you Recover

Smile! Take a Holiday while you Recover

Learn to smile and laugh again as addiction treatment doesn’t need to be all sweat and tears. Of course there will be plenty of both (especially sweat) when you get to spend your time at a beautiful resort type addiction treatment facility in the caribbean.  Here at Always Hope we  understand it is a huge step to take the chance to go to “rehab” and so we want to make your decision to seek help as easy as possible and make your stay with us as pleasant as possible.

Call 1-829-932-0123 now for more info.


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What Addiction Treatment is right for You?

What Addiction Treatment Centre is right for You?

Many questions come up when choosing which addiction treatment facility may be right for you or your loved ones. There are many places and choices of where, when and how long to go for help to overcome your struggles with addiction. To help you decide we would suggest contact people who may have gone through treatment, or phone and talk to someone from whichever facility you are looking into and ask many questions to find out if they can help or refer you to someone who can.

Contact us today with any questions  1-829-932-0123

Questions to ask if you are considering going to an addiction treatment centre: 

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Serenity Now! Always Hope saved me.

Serenity Now!

I thank Always Hope for saving my life

Making the decision to seek help was, undoubtedly, one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. However, after talking to Jim and Roger, I was confident that Always Hope Treatment Centre was the perfect place for me to get the help I desperately needed. It truly was one of the best things I have ever done for myself and this is my testimonial or testimony.

Suffering with a cocaine addiction for the past four years was hell. Not only had I become estranged from my family and friends, but my finances and my career were in serious jeopardy. I had tried everything I could think of to beat my cocaine addiction. Nothing worked. My frustration only grew and my self-esteem and confidence only continued to dwindle. The world seemed to be closing in on me and I had no-where to turn. I really doubted that anyone could help me. It was one of the darkest times of my life.

Continue reading Serenity Now! Always Hope saved me.

Not Just a Number, but a Welcome Guest

Not Just a Number, but a Welcome Guest

My testimonial or testimony in regards to Always Hope. Making the decision to seek help was, undoubtedly, one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. However, after talking to Jim and Roger, I was confident that Always Hope Treatment Centre was the perfect place for me to get the help I desperately needed. It truly was one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

Suffering with a cocaine addiction for the past four years was hell. Not only had I become estranged from my family and friends, but my finances and my career were in serious jeopardy. I had tried everything I could think of to beat my cocaine addiction. Nothing worked. My frustration only grew and my self-esteem and confidence only continued to dwindle. The world seemed to be closing in on me and I had no-where to turn. I really doubted that anyone could help me. It was one of the darkest times of my life.

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Addiction: What do Addicts know?

What do Addicts know?

Addicts learn many life lessons through the unfortunate progression of the disease and also through the steps taken to overcome. Many so-called “normal folk” never truly appreciate the life they are living. This is due to the fact that they never have to battle the difficulties and demons that most addicts do. Addicts come to accept their past, make amends to those they have affected and move forward with an enlightened view on their life and the world around them. The steps taken to recover from addiction can be uncomfortable, but in the end the serenity and peace that comes from conquering their addiction help create a healthier and highly productive member of society.

Continue reading Addiction: What do Addicts know?

Am I addicted

Am I addicted?

You’re addicted when you’re no longer in control of what u use. You can get mental and / or physical dependence. Psychological dependency is when you are getting a strong desire for the product and you can not feel comfortably without it.

Physical dependence is particularly apparent habituation and withdrawal symptoms. Habituation means that the body gets used to the drug and are increasingly required to achieve the desired effect.

Withdrawal symptoms are the physical reactions to reduce or discontinue use. Often these withdrawal symptoms are not pleasant at all. One of the reasons people start using drugs again.

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