Category Archives: Addiction treatment

Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Recovering from an addiction can be a difficult process. The road isn’t always smooth and you will probably encounter obstacles, challenges, hardships and heartaches. But it’s a journey that everyone hoping to recover from addiction makes. It is the only way to move from a life of destruction to a happy and healthy life. I hope that sharing a bit of my story about my experience, strength and hope I can help you realize you are not alone.


“I never thought I would be where I am today. Today my lovely wife and 2 boys enjoy living in the Dominican Republic. We are blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy a lifestyle I never dreamt possible. Sand and surf is just minutes away, and I am lucky to have much more time available to spend with my family due to the fact that I’m no longer chasing a high, and we have created a business that allows for much more quality family time.

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Finding Strength in Recovery

Finding Strength in Recovery

In my previous blog I focused on my experience leading up to recovery. I will now touch on the process of getting help and the strength that was needed. It was shown to me by those who had walked a mile in my shoes in the past, and by family and friends who believed in me even when I was unsure of myself. Admitting I needed help was one of the lowest moments in my life, but now I see it was one of the most important. For the most part everything in life that I challenged myself with (school, sports, work and relationships) I had found a way to excel and achieve what I wanted, and it was very disheartening to feel hopeless in overcoming my dependance on painkillers.

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My Experience with Oxy’s

My Experience with Oxy’s

I want to share my story in 3 parts; My experience, Strength and Hope. The experience portion will focus on the time in my life when I was prescribed narcotic painkillers, the strength on the period where I entered recovery and hope will focus on how I maintain recovery and the gifts and blessings I have received in my life since the last time I used.

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My Experience with Oxy’s: Prescribed Narcotic Painkillers

My Experience with Oxy’s:

Prescribed Narcotic Painkillers

I want to share my story in 3 parts; My experience, Strength and Hope. The experience portion will focus on the time in my life when I was prescribed narcotic painkillers, the strength on the period where I entered recovery and hope will focus on how I maintain recovery and the gifts and blessings I have received in my life since the last time I used.


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Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

The last couple of years my oldest boy Jude has talked about things that happened in the past, and how things have changed for the better now that I accepted help for my addiction to oxys (oxycontin a narcotic pain killer). This is his recollection, testimony or testimonial of the time leading up to me going to rehab and the way things are today. These are his words (with only some grammatical errors corrected). He said it was fine for me to share with you so that people can gain the perspective of what a child experiences when their mom or dad is addicted. Although reading it brings back uncomfortable memories of what I put my family through, it is a true reflection of what Jude experienced. Thank you Jude for sharing and I love you!

addiction and family“My name is Jude I am 12 years old and 4 years ago my dad was hooked on oxys. We lived in Alberta, Canada and we were dairy farmers. I was only 8 or younger when my dad was hooked on oxys so I don’t really remember what it was like but I remember a little. Every other night my dad would go out to a town an hour away and I would go with him. We would always go to subway, sometimes go swimming and usually got home at around 9.

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Procrastination and Addiction

Procrastination won’t get you results

Procrastination or putting off till tomorrow what you could tackle today is a recipe for disaster. If addiction is controlling your life, tomorrow may not be an option. Many people procrastinate too long and unfortunately end up going to the bitter ends of jails, institutions or worse death. Today through the help of the twelve steps and/or addiction treatment there are options for you or your loved ones to have a better life. There is no need to continue just existing, why not start really living life and enjoying all the blessings the world has to offer.

Call today for more info 1-829-932-0123


As most of us like to procrastinate to a certain extent (homework, cleaning house, etc) we come to accept that putting off until tomorrow is not such a big deal. But, to an addict who is still struggling to quit using it could mean life or death. Excuses become rampant as to why they can’t quit today (a job, family, it’s not so bad yet). Procrastinate getting help long enough and it could become “never“.

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Jim’s Story of Addiction and Recovery

Jim’s Story of Addiction and Recovery

Hi, my name is Jim, I have the disease of addiction, I am a drug addict and alcoholic, I only separate these two because of the perception by society that alcohol is different, this means that whenever I use a mind altering substance of any kind, I cannot easily stop using it, and have no concept of the outcome of my using. After twenty years of drinking and using, my life became hopeless, and I felt helpless and useless. This disease affected me mentally (vengeful and destructive thinking along with blaming), physically (broken bones due to fights and accidents, poor health, and loss of freedom) emotionally (feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and uselessness) and spiritually (disconnected from myself, my beliefs and morals). As well, it affected everyone else around me, much to my surprise how much it did affect others, I only found this fact out after I found recovery. The disease is real, when and where I got it from is inconsequential, only what I can do about it here and now.

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Married to an Addict: A Wife’s Perspective

My life married to an addict…….after Rehab: The wife’s perspective.

I was petrified picking up my husband from rehab, it was Fricken scary! I was so angry at him for what he had put me and our two sons through! For what he had done to himself.
For weeks after that initial day I could not trust him, every time he went to town or anywhere, I wondered if he was going to use again? Where was he really going?

My painful past was still so fresh in my mind that it consumed me!
I wanted security and happiness back!

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Choosing a Rehab : Stay Nearby or go Far Away?

Choosing a Rehab: Stay Nearby or go Far Away?

There is a new fad called Medical Tourism in which many people look out of country to obtain dental, cosmetic and alternative medical treatment such as addiction treatment. There are many reasons why people choose to do this but the most common are that it can be substantially cheaper to get treatment abroad, and it can also mean better options. Individuals who are dealing with a substance abuse problem are also choosing a rehab out of country because there are many benefits to travel abroad for addiction treatment. The most common reason for this situation is that the individual feels they would do better with some type of private facility, and out of country facilities are much cheaper even after flights.

There are some definite benefits to choosing a rehab abroad:

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How Do I Get My Loved One into Rehab?

How Do I Get My Loved One into Rehab?

The person you love isn’t here anymore. Whether your child, spouse or friend is a hollow-eyed shadow of the person you remember from the past, alcohol or drug rehab treatment is one way to try and help save him or her. But can you get your loved one into treatment even if they haven’t been willing to take the step themselves? YES!!

help my loved one

That doesn’t mean it will be easy. It can be difficult but not impossible to convince someone you love that they need addiction treatment. This is about your loved one’s life. Helping them get the treatment they deserve may be the only chance they have to overcome their addiction.

Following are some do’s and don’ts for getting your loved one into drug rehab treatment:

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