Tag Archives: recovery

Lost!! On the Edge of Relapse

Lost!! On the Edge of Relapse

My testimony or testimonial in regards to Always Hope. I was at the very tip of a very steep dark powerful, cunning & baffling slope, lost, full of fear, some lies, resentments and a relapse. I had know idea what to do, but knew i needed to get away. A handful of opportunities that i have worked hard towards right in front of me and if i didn’t deal with all that was within right away within no time I would have hit the bottom of that slope which could have easily been death.

It was truly a blessing when i was sitting in my vehicle with a very special person who has worked with me and my addiction issues for the last few years, I was crying confessing to my feelings and were I was and how scared I was to quickly loose all. i said I just need to find my self, redo my steps the way they are to be done and not my way lol…. She suggested I call Roger from Always Hope and explain my situation, where I am at and what I would like to accomplish within the program. He said they are able to help please come.

I left within 4 Days for Always Hope to work with Jim Maclean Head Counselor. Long story short it was more that I could have ever expected in all ways it was more than I could have ever hoped for. I found myself again. Ive regained my hope and faith in myself i haven’t truly had that in a very long time. I am sticking to the program and my exit plan, I haven’t been able to do that in 15 years, and it’s not a struggle not to use. For those who are still suffering/struggling with addiction or even just lost or need to get back to the basics please do not hesitate call Roger, talk to Jim and go !!! It could save your life !!! It sure has mine !!

Call 1-829-932-0123 today!

Tough Love: Enabling Parents of Addicts/Alcoholics

Tough Love: Enabling Parents of Addicts/Alcoholics

From my perspective of once being in the position of trying to manipulate, making excuses or lie to prolong getting the help I knew I needed. To also witnessing this happening when adult children lie, manipulate and make every excuse as to why they are now ”cured” and don’t need any help or counselling. It breaks my heart seeing these “kids” convince their parents to rescue them again or “bail” them out of rehab. Tough love is sometimes neccesary. Many of these parents have spent a lot of emotional and financial effort to give their child a chance at getting professional help and are trying to save their children’s lives.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is your child acting like they are entitled to things or your money, or demanding things?
  2. Do you feel like you are living from crisis to crisis with your child?
  3. Are you sacrificing too much while your child takes no responsibility?

Continue reading Tough Love: Enabling Parents of Addicts/Alcoholics

Relapse Prevention at Always Hope: A Testimony

Relapse Prevention at Always Hope: A Testimony

relapse preventionMy story of arriving at Always Hope may sound familiar to some of us uniquely thinking we are alone.

Áfter over six years of sobriety, AA meetings that tapered off once the raising and caring for family became a priority. A move from one Alberta town to another, becoming involved in community, meeting topnotch folks the excuses abounded and AA became nonexistent. Denial raised its ugly head and I slowly started “socially drinking”.

Continue reading Relapse Prevention at Always Hope: A Testimony

Targeting my Emotions, Not just the 12 Steps

Targeting my Emotions, Not just the 12 Steps

At first just like many people, I was very scared to commit to recovery so far away from my home in Vancouver to the Dominican Republic. This is my testimonial or testimony in regards to Always Hope. I have not left my home for more then a week in my life, and it was a very tough decision. Being 23, I am used to being around my family and girlfriend. I also have never quit drugs in my 9 years of using, never been to a long term treatment centre, gone to meetings or even seen a councillor.

After a lot of thought, my mind was made up, I decided to jump in to my recovery with both feet. Choosing to be away from home was hard, but the positives outweighed the negatives greatly. Firstly, I would not have access to the narcotics I was used to using. Secondly, I would be able to get away from my usual habitat and all the people and problems that came with it. This allowed me to have a clear mind through out this critical month. Although I have to go back home now, I am confident I have learned the skills to deal with my emotions and the scenarios I will inevitably have to face.

Continue reading Targeting my Emotions, Not just the 12 Steps

How Addiction took my Life on a Detour

How Addiction took my Life on a Detour

Growing up on a Central Alberta dairy farm I never imagined that my life would take the detour that it did and that I would end up living on a beautiful Caribbean island. This is my my journey and testimonial or testimony from cold and snowy Canada to the Dominican Republic; from dairy farmer to starting an addiction treatment facility in another country.

Recovery from addiction is possible
Recovery is possible

I had a normal childhood, Mom and Dad were dairy farmers and always around. My brother and 2 sisters were my closest friends growing up as we didn’t have neighbours close enough to play with. School, sports and anything I set my mind to were easily accomplished, it felt like the sky was the limit. In 2000 at the age of 22 and after a couple years of post-secondary education in the field of business I decided to marry my high school sweet heart and come home to the family dairy farm.

Call or text 1-829-932-0123 for more info

It was shortly after coming home to farm that some injuries I had back when I was partying during high school flared up and became chronic back pain and headaches. I had fallen in a bar when I was drunk and smashed half of my teeth, I had fallen of a small cliff when some friends and I were hiking in the mountains. What I thought were just normal injuries at that age due to drinking and smoking pot, turned out to become a major pain when I was just starting to be an “adult”. And that is when the beginning of my detour took place although I didn’t know it at the time.

Continue reading How Addiction took my Life on a Detour

Addiction Help and Advice for the Families

Addiction Help and Advice for the Families

addiction help familyQuite often family and friends are burdened and negatively affected by the actions or behaviours of those struggling with an addiction. Living with someone in active addiction can be burdensome and draining emotionally, physically and also financially. I would like to offer some addiction help to all of you who may be affected. These are based on my own experiences and from lessons I have learned from others.

Remember 3 things to start with

  1. You didn’t cause the addiction. In life sometimes “shit happens”.
  2. You can’t control the addict/alcoholic or their addiction.
  3. You can’t stop drinking or using for someone else.

Addiction help for the addict/alcoholic:

Continue reading Addiction Help and Advice for the Families

Decision, Decision: How do I Choose?

Decision: Why do people choose Always Hope Addiction Treatment?

With a multitude of different options available out there, I thought I’d highlight the benefits of Always Hope to help guide you in your decision. A one-size-fits-all mentality isn’t useful and so it is good there are many different facilities and philosophical ideologies to choose from. There are the tax-payer funded government funded programs, to the average priced private facilities and all the way up to the luxurious places for the rich and famous (celebrity rehab). We strive to be in the somewhere between the later 2, we have our cost at the low-end of the private facilities but the attention to detail, our luxurious facilities, our location and our small size allows us to be affordable for most people and also a place where you won’t be treated as just another statistic going through the system.

Continue reading Decision, Decision: How do I Choose?

Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Recovering from an addiction can be a difficult process. The road isn’t always smooth and you will probably encounter obstacles, challenges, hardships and heartaches. But it’s a journey that everyone hoping to recover from addiction makes. It is the only way to move from a life of destruction to a happy and healthy life. I hope that sharing a bit of my story about my experience, strength and hope I can help you realize you are not alone.


“I never thought I would be where I am today. Today my lovely wife and 2 boys enjoy living in the Dominican Republic. We are blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy a lifestyle I never dreamt possible. Sand and surf is just minutes away, and I am lucky to have much more time available to spend with my family due to the fact that I’m no longer chasing a high, and we have created a business that allows for much more quality family time.

Continue reading Hope for Recovery: Life after Oxy’s

Finding Strength in Recovery

Finding Strength in Recovery

In my previous blog I focused on my experience leading up to recovery. I will now touch on the process of getting help and the strength that was needed. It was shown to me by those who had walked a mile in my shoes in the past, and by family and friends who believed in me even when I was unsure of myself. Admitting I needed help was one of the lowest moments in my life, but now I see it was one of the most important. For the most part everything in life that I challenged myself with (school, sports, work and relationships) I had found a way to excel and achieve what I wanted, and it was very disheartening to feel hopeless in overcoming my dependance on painkillers.

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Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View

The last couple of years my oldest boy Jude has talked about things that happened in the past, and how things have changed for the better now that I accepted help for my addiction to oxys (oxycontin a narcotic pain killer). This is his recollection, testimony or testimonial of the time leading up to me going to rehab and the way things are today. These are his words (with only some grammatical errors corrected). He said it was fine for me to share with you so that people can gain the perspective of what a child experiences when their mom or dad is addicted. Although reading it brings back uncomfortable memories of what I put my family through, it is a true reflection of what Jude experienced. Thank you Jude for sharing and I love you!

addiction and family“My name is Jude I am 12 years old and 4 years ago my dad was hooked on oxys. We lived in Alberta, Canada and we were dairy farmers. I was only 8 or younger when my dad was hooked on oxys so I don’t really remember what it was like but I remember a little. Every other night my dad would go out to a town an hour away and I would go with him. We would always go to subway, sometimes go swimming and usually got home at around 9.

Continue reading Addiction and Recovery: A 12 Year Old’s View